The Origins

It all started back in the late 80s in the Greek island of Crete. A quality brandy produced by a small distillery, no more than 600m2 with only two employees.

The Authenticity

The secret of Alexandrion lies in its ”heart”; 

The wine distillate matured in oak barrels, blended with a secret bouquet of extracts reminiscent of delicate Mediterranean aromas.

The Master Blender’s deep know-how, ensure the “heart” is treasured during the blending process and safeguarded under the ideal cellar conditions, preserving high-quality standards in every drop captivated.

The Craftmanship

The authentic traditional recipe and production processes are preserved throughout the decades in respect to its Greek heritage in one of the most modern and efficient distilleries in South Eastern Europe, The Alexandrion Saber Distilleries 1789.

A true specimen of great craftsmanship, quality ingredients and a devotion to detail and exquisite taste.

The Inspiration

A brand which encapsulates the spirit and values of one of the world’s most inspirational leaders nearly 2,500 years ago.The name, logo and whole philosophy of the brand all stem from the iconic historical figure of Alexander the Great!

A mighty general that led his army to conquer nearly the whole of the known world. A unique leader that earned the respect of his soldiers, his fellow countrymen and even those he ruled. A visionary that fought to create an empire where different cultures, religions and civilizations where equally respected and encouraged to coexist in harmony

1994 - The beginning of a new era

The year signaling the beginning of a new empire. This time it was not led by a mighty general, but by a visionary entrepreneur. A man, who just like Alexander the Great, started off with a vision to conquer the world. Only this time it was not a quest to spread the Greek civilization, but to enable the world to enjoy a top-quality brand; Alexandrion.

"In 1994 I founded a business with the excitement, energy and vision of a young entrepreneur at the beginning of the road, who wanted the conquer the world" 

Dr. Nawaf Salameh - Founding Chairman of Alexandrion Group 

Alexandrion Today

Alexandrion today is leading the Romanian market with over 60% share; a success subsequent of the unceasing consistency on high quality standards and the philosophy of the founder along with the support and dedication of its people. 

A brand deeply embedded in Romanian society.

A spirit enjoyed mainly among good friends and family to accompany quality moments.

An honest, authentic and reliable brand.

A value proposition that offers the best quality for its price.

A brand that has long exceeded the Romanian borders with a presence in more than 50 countries across 3 different continents.

More than 273.900 glasses of Alexandrion are consumed every single day!


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